Mastering Django - AJAX, Class Based Views, Forms

Mastering Django - AJAX, Class Based Views, Forms

Master your skills as a Django developer by learning advanced techniques - Pipenv, Seed Data, External API, Auth Views

Master your skills as a Django developer by learning advanced techniques - Pipenv, Seed Data, External API, Auth Views

5 hours
35 videos
Updated: 11/2018


Welcome to the Mastering Django Series! Learn time saving and advanced techniques to be come a better developer.

In this course, we'll be learning 8 new skills while creating "Hall of Fame Vidz". A website where users can create their own personal hall of fame videos and share them with family and friends. To get a better idea of what we'll be creating, go watch the promo video for the course. While creating this site, you will learn the following 8 skills:

  1. Pipenv - Learn why this tool is so much better than pip and virtualenv separately
  2. Pre-made Authentication Views …

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