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2 - Hello React
1 - Understanding Single Page Applications (SPA)
3 - Installing Node and Visual Studio Code
4 - Creating and Running Your First React Project Using create-react-app
5 - Understanding React Project Structure
6 - Displaying Hello World
3 - Understanding Components and Lifecycle
1 - What is a React Component?
2 - Understanding Virtual DOM
3 - Functional vs Class Based Components
4 - React Lifecycle Functions for Class Based Components
5 - Understanding Data Flow
6 - React Developer Tools
4 - Understanding State
1 - What is State?
3 - Implementing a Counter Using Class Based Component
4 - Implementing a Counter Using Functional Component Using Hooks
5 - Building a Stepper Control
6 - Styling the Stepper Control
7 - Asynchronous Nature of State in Class Based Components
8 - synchronous Nature of State in Function Based Components
9 - Capturing Text Input Values Using State
10 - Capturing Multiple Input Values Using State
11 - React Developer Tools (Inspecting State)
5 - Project Time - Movies App
1 - What is an API?
3 - What is an OBDM API?
5 - Registering with OMDB API
6 - Capturing Movie Search Name
7 - Fetching Movies
8 - Displaying Movies
9 - Adding Routing Using react-router-dom
10 - Fetching Movie Details
11 - Displaying Movie Details
12 - Persisting State, Adding Clear Results Button and Showing No Movies Found
6 - Making Things Pretty - Designing with Bootstrap
1 - Why Polish Is Important
2 - Auto Formatting
3 - Bootstrap and NavBar
4 - Header
5 - Movie Posters
6 - Detail Page
7 - Django and React
1 - Making a Django REST API
2 - Creating a React App in Django
3 - Login and State
4 - CORS and API Tokens
5 - Listing Todos
6 - Deploying Django and React
8 - React Promo
1 - React Promo
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