I have provided you with two lists. words
and definitions
Create a dictionary called cool_dictionary
where you use words
for keys and definitions
for values
words = ["Sus","Spange","Lie-Fi"]
definitions = ["Suspicious","To collect spare change, either from couches, passerbys on the street or any numerous other ways and means","When your phone or tablet indicates that you are connected to a wireless network, however you are still unable to load webpages or use any internet services with your device"]
words = ["Sus","Spange","Lie-Fi"]
definitions = ["Suspicious","To collect spare change, either from couches, passerbys on the street or any numerous other ways and means","When your phone or tablet indicates that you are connected to a wireless network, however you are still unable to load webpages or use any internet services with your device"]
cool_dictionary = {}
for i in range(0,3):
cool_dictionary[words[i]] = definitions[i]