SwiftUI - Learn How to Build Beautiful, Robust, Apps

SwiftUI - Learn How to Build Beautiful, Robust, Apps

Create stunning user interfaces across all Apple platforms with Swift 5

Create stunning user interfaces across all Apple platforms with Swift 5

4.5 hours
32 videos
Updated: 6/2019


Apple has just announced the biggest thing since Swift, and it is aptly named, SwiftUI. Apple changed the game with the release of Swift 5 years ago. It has helped millions of developers create amazing apps with easy to learn yet powerful clean code. SwiftUI brings that same ideal to the visual side of apps. SwiftUI helps developers by binding their User Interfaces with their data. When the data changes, so does the UI. When the UI changes, so does the data. SwiftUI is also incredibly reusable. Views you create can be reused time and time again. SwiftUI is also …

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