Create Apps on Your iPad - Swift Playgrounds for Beginners

Create Apps on Your iPad - Swift Playgrounds for Beginners

Learn Swift and SwiftUI to Create Amazing Apps That You Will Submit to the App Store. All on Your iPad!

Learn Swift and SwiftUI to Create Amazing Apps That You Will Submit to the App Store. All on Your iPad!

2 hours
14 videos
Updated: 12/2021


Apple has upgraded their Playgrounds iPad to now allow you to make apps! Using SwiftUI, Apple's new design framework, you can design and code apps all on your iPad. You can even submit your apps to the App Store using playgrounds so that you can share your app creations with the world. In this course, I will take you from beginner to making several apps and even walk you through submitting your app to the App Store. We start the course first by helping you to develop a base in SwiftUI. SwiftUI makes it incredibly simple to design apps on …

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