The Complete Guide to Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrency

The Complete Guide to Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrency

Learn about wallets, the blockchain, taxes, and exchanges. Confidently buy, mine, invest, and trade cryptocurrencies!

Learn about wallets, the blockchain, taxes, and exchanges. Confidently buy, mine, invest, and trade cryptocurrencies!

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Updated: 11/2018


Do you feel like everyone is talking about Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies these days? Some people say that it's the future, some people say that it's just a fad, but either way, people are talking about it! Though there are many cryptocurrencies on the rise these days (there are currently more than 1,500 cryptocurrencies out there!), there's no doubt that Bitcoin is the world's most popular cryptocurrency. 

Bitcoin has actually been around for almost ten years, but it hasn't ever had as much buzz as it has right now. However, with all of that buzz, comes many misconceptions. Though many …

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