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1 - Intro
1 - Intro
2 - App #1: People Counter - SwiftUI Basics Learning How to Design Apps
1 - Xcode Tour
2 - Views
3 - HStack and VStack
4 - Modifiers
5 - Spacer and ZStack
3 - App #2: Text Capitalization - Swift Programming Basics applied to SwiftUI
1 - Variables and Constants
2 - Types -Strings, Ints, and Doubles
3 - Comments and Print
4 - Displaying Variables
5 - Structs
6 - TextFields
7 - Struct Views
8 - If Statements
9 - Capitalization App - Using If Statements and Copying
4 - App #3: Emoji Dictionary - Lists, Arrays, and Multi-View Apps
1 - Renaming Code
2 - Arrays
3 - Lists, Arrays, and Identifiable
4 - NavigationView and NavigationLink
5 - Creating Custom SwiftUI Views
6 - Adding to our Struct
7 - For Loops
8 - *BONUS* GridView and TabView
5 - App #4: Quick ToDos - Saving Info with CoreData
1 - Why Saving Data Is Important
2 - CoreData Overview
3 - Functions
4 - Parameters and Returns
5 - Starting a New View
6 - Saving Into CoreData
7 - Listing and Pulling from CoreData
8 - Deleting from CoreData
9 - Polish - Textfield Focus
6 - App #5: Course Lister - Web, APIs, JSON, and Images
1 - Course List Preview
2 - Booleans
3 - Optionals
4 - APIs and JSON
5 - URLRequest and URLSession
6 - JSON Decoding
7 - Listing Data
8 - Images and AsyncImage
9 - Course View Polish
7 - Uploading Your App to the App Store
1 - Paid Developer Account
2 - Certificates, IDs, and Profiles
3 - Uploading Your App
4 - App Metadata
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